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Access a Data map for operating green buildings

Today, many solutions exist to abate both operational and embodied emissions, but we are running out of time to implement at scale. Since about 72% of emissions from the built environment come from operational performance of existing buildings, we are helping owners, operators and investors to evolve a data map for their asset portfolio. The good news is that operational emissions can be optimised to some extent even at a later stage in the lifecycle of a building. However, embodied emissions once released, can only be offset, not abated. This presents both opportunities and challenges for building owners & operators as well as value chain partners - including developers and manufacturers of building materials like aluminum, concrete, cement, & steel etc. Here are a few ways in which data from operations can help in designing and developing better buildings and processes:
Optimise Energy Use
Optimise Energy Use

Leverage data from sensors and IoT devices for platform suggestions to optimize energy usage, HVAC systems, and lighting, thereby reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Phase out Fossil Fuels
Phase out Fossil Fuels

Use SHR's dynamic dashboards to identify suitable locations for renewable energy like solar or wind on assets, to reduce reliance on fossil fuels & maximise profits.

Measure Emissions
Measure Emissions

Track and manage carbon emissions across the built environment, including buildings, transportation, and infrastructure, to monitor progress & offset your carbon-risk over time.

Green Certification
Green Certification

Use our simulation engine to optimize the design and construction of green buildings with energy-efficient materials, passive design strategies, and sustainable building practices.

Waste Management
Waste Management

Implement data-driven waste & water systems to optimize waste collection, sorting, recycling, diverting organic waste from landfills and reducing GHG emissions from decomposition.

Water Treatment
Water Treatment

Employ analytics to monitor water use in buildings - identify leaks, optimize irrigation, & promote water-saving technologies to reduce water consumption & related carbon emissions.

Strategies to decarbonise the built environment

According to the World Green Building Council, buildings contribute to 39% of global energy related carbon emissions of which 28% are operational emissions, from energy needed to heat, cool and power buildings, and the remaining 11% are development emissions, from building materials and construction.

The SHR platform analyses more than 100 million every year from real estate developers to owners, operators, investors and building material suppliers. Based on our data models & analysis, here are 4 strategies that we have found to be effective in moving the needle on decarbonising the built environment. As you can see the strategies are organised from the most granular level of process to asset level internal benchmarking, to greening of procurement and finally disclosing data to the broader real-estate community.
Optimise Ops
Optimise Ops

72% of a building's emissions can be optimised by monitoring heating, cooling and power.


All portfolios have lighthouses & laggards. SHR helps clients identify & replicate these best practices portfolio-wide.

Buy Green
Buy Green

Spotlight emissions from materials & procure green to reduce embodied emissions.


Share data-driven stories of your impact internally & externally to help the industry evolve, together.

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